Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CaliberRMTM 2005

銆??CaliberRMTM 2005鏃ㄥ湪澧炲己绠$悊鏁翠釜搴旂敤鐢熷懡鍛ㄦ湡鐨勬矡閫氥?鐢熶骇鍔涘拰鍙敤鎬э紝涓哄晢涓氬拰 IT 鍒嗘瀽甯堛?椤圭洰缁忕悊銆佸紑鍙戝晢鍜屾祴璇曞憳鎻愪緵闇?眰绠$悊鏀寔銆?br />
銆??鏂板鍔犵殑鍔熻兘鍖呮嫭锛氬杩涚殑杩炴帴鍜岃窡韪兘鍔涜兘澶熸洿濂藉湴璺熻繘搴旂敤鐢熷懡鍛ㄦ湡鍏朵綑閮ㄥ垎鐨勮姹傦紝鏇村ソ鍦扮鐞嗚蒋浠朵氦浠樿繃绋嬩腑涓嶆柇鍙戠敓鐨勫彉鍖?瀵瑰畨鍏ㄩ?璁灞?SSL)鐨勬敮鎸佸彲澧炲己瀹夊叏鎬?鏂板瀷浼佷笟绾ф巿鏉冮?椤瑰彲鎻愰珮鍐呴儴鍥㈤槦涔嬮棿璺熻釜銆佹姤鍛婂拰瀹¤銆?br />
銆??Borland 鍏徃浜у搧瑙e喅鏂规鎬荤洃 Marc Brown 璇达細鈥滃湪杞欢浜や粯鐨勫悇涓樁娈碉紝鍙樺寲鏄繀鐒跺瓨鍦ㄧ殑銆傚叏闈㈢殑闇?眰绠$悊绯荤粺鍙互鍗忓姪 IT 浼佷笟璇勪及鍙樺寲鐨勫奖鍝嶏紝鍙婃椂灏嗗叾鍛婄煡鏁翠釜鍥㈤槦锛屾洿鏈夋晥鍦板杩欎簺鍙樺寲鍋氬嚭鍙嶅簲銆傝繖绉嶆伆褰撶殑娴佺▼鍜屾渶浣冲疄璺电殑缁撳悎鍙‘淇濇墍鏈変汉鍛樺悓蹇冨崗鍔涙湞鐫?竴鑷寸殑鐩爣鍓嶈繘銆傗?

銆??Rosetta Biosoftware 鏄竴瀹堕鍏堢殑淇℃伅瑙e喅鏂规寮?彂鍟嗗拰涓鸿繘琛屾晳鐢熻嵂鐗╁紑鍙戠殑鐮旂┒鏈烘瀯鎻愪緵鏈嶅姟鐨勫巶鍟嗐?璇ュ叕鍙镐娇鐢?Borland 鐨?CaliberRM 鍜?StarTeam? 鍙樺寲绠$悊浜у搧绠$悊闇?眰銆佹簮浠g爜銆佸彉鍖栭渶姹傚拰鐢熺墿淇℃伅瑙e喅鏂规鐨勭浉鍏虫枃浠躲?

銆??Rosetta Biosoftware 鍏徃璐ㄩ噺淇濊瘉缁忕悊Jim Pearson 璇达細鈥滃湪寮?彂杩囩▼鍙婃棭瀵瑰彉鍖栭渶姹傝繘琛岀鐞嗗鎴戜滑鐨勪笟鍔¤嚦鍏抽噸瑕併?杩欎笉浠呭彲鍑忓皯浼佷笟鐨勯噸澶嶅姵鍔紝鑺傜渷鏃堕棿鍜岄噾閽憋紝涔熷彲纭繚寮?彂鍑烘渶楂樿川閲忕殑杞欢銆傛柊鐗堟湰鐨勮窡韪兘鍔涘叿鏈夊法澶х殑濂藉锛屽彲甯姪鎴戜滑鏀瑰杽娌熼?锛屼互鏇村ぇ鐨勫彲瑙嗘?鐞嗛『鏁翠釜寮?彂娴佺▼銆傗?

銆??鐪熸鏄撶敤鐨勪紒涓氶渶姹傜鐞嗙郴缁?br />
銆??CaliberRM 2005 鐗堟湰 2 閲囩敤鐩磋銆佹槗鐢ㄧ殑鐣岄潰鎻愪緵浼佷笟绾ч渶姹傜鐞嗚兘鍔涖?瀹冨彲浠ユ崟鑾峰拰绠$悊涓氬姟銆佹妧鏈?鍔熻兘鍙婅繍钀ラ渶姹傦紝浣夸紒涓氫腑鐨勬墍鏈変汉鍛樻湁鏁堝崗浣滐紝浠庤?鍑嗘椂鍦板湪棰勭畻鍐呬氦浠樺悎涔庤鏍肩殑椤圭洰銆?br />
銆??Borland StarTeam 杞欢鍙樺寲鍜岀粨鏋勭鐞嗚В鍐虫柟妗堢殑澧炲己鍨嬫暣鍚堬紝鍙娇鐢ㄦ埛鎶婁粠CaliberRM 鐨勯渶姹傛崟鑾峰埌 StarTeam 娴佺▼椤圭洰锛屽叾涓寘鎷枃浠躲?鍙樺寲闇?眰銆佷换鍔°?闇?眰鍜屼富棰樿仈绯昏捣鏉ワ紝鏈夊姏鍦版帹鍔ㄥ奖鍝嶅垎鏋愩?

銆??CaliberRM 2005 鐗堟湰 2鍖呭惈 Borland Datamart锛屼笉鍙︽敹璐癸紝鍙负鐩戞帶瓒嬪娍銆佸彂鐜版満浼氬拰浼樺寲鏈夊叧杞欢浜や粯鎴樼暐鎻愪緵閲嶈鐨勫晢涓氭櫤鑳姐?Datamart 鍏锋湁鎻愪緵娣卞害鍜ㄨ鍜屽垎鏋愮殑鑳藉姏锛屽畠鍙窡韪涓簱鐨勫崄杩涘埗銆佽秼鍔垮拰鍑虹幇闂鐨勫尯鍩熴?Datamart 閫氳繃鍏堣繘鐨勫浘琛ㄥ拰鎶ュ憡甯姪涓氬姟鍜屽紑鍙戝洟闃熶簡瑙h祫婧愬埄鐢ㄣ?鐡堕銆佹綔鍦ㄧ殑缂洪櫡鍜岄」鐩病鏈夋寜棰勬湡杩涜鐨勫師鍥犮?

銆??鍖呭惈 Datamart 鐨?CaliberRM 2005 鐗堟湰 2 杩樺埄鐢?Borland 鐨勬悳绱㈡湇鍔″櫒鎻愪緵鏈夊姏鐨勪俊鎭寲鎺樿兘鍔涖?浣夸紒涓氬揩閫熻?瀹规槗鍦板湪澶氫釜鍒嗗竷寮忓簱閲屾壘鍒颁俊鎭紝杩欑鑳藉姏瀵瑰垎甯冨湪涓嶅悓鍦扮悊浣嶇疆鐨勫洟闃熼潪甯搁噸瑕併?

銆??CaliberRM 鏄钩鍙颁腑绔嬶紝鑳戒笌璁稿棰嗗厛寮?彂鐜鍜岀敓鍛藉懆鏈熷伐鍏风殑骞冲彴鏁村悎锛屽寘鎷?Borland 鐨?JBuilder?銆丏elphi?銆丒clipse銆丮icrosoft? Visual Studio? 锛屼互鍙?Mercury Quality Center? 鍜?Mercury TestDirector?銆傛澶栵紝CaliberRM 2005 鐗堟湰 2 涔熷彲鏀寔 Microsoft Windows Server? 2003銆?br />

銆??CaliberRM 2005 鐗堟湰 2 涓殑鏂版?鑳戒篃铻嶅悎鍒颁簡 Borland Core SDPTM銆傚悗鑰呮槸涓?闆嗘垚鐨勩?鍩轰簬浠诲姟鐨勫钩鍙帮紝鍙敤鏉ュ鍔犲彲瑙嗘?鍜屾帶鍒舵暣涓蒋浠朵氦浠樻祦绋嬬殑鍚勪釜闃舵銆侰aliberRM 鍜?Core SDP鏄疊orland 鐨勮蒋浠朵氦浠樹紭鍖栫悊蹇甸噸瑕佺粍鎴愰儴鍒嗭紝Borland 灏嗚蒋浠跺紑鍙戣浆鍙樻垚涓?鍔犻?鑰岃寰嬬殑鏂规硶鐨勭悊蹇碉紝浣夸汉涓庢妧鏈拰娴佺▼浜掔浉閰嶅悎锛屽厖鍒嗗彂鎺樿蒋浠剁殑涓氬姟浠峰?銆?br />

銆??娆茬煡鏈夊叧 Borland Caliber 2005 鐗堟湰 2 渚涜揣璇︽儏璇疯闂甴ttp://www.borland.com/us/products/caliber/index.html銆?br />

銆??Borland(绾虫柉杈惧厠涓婂房缂栧彿BORL)浜?1983 骞存垚绔嬶紝鏄鍏堝叏鐞冪殑杞欢浜や粯浼樺寲(SDO)骞冲彴鐙珛杞欢鍘傚晢锛屾彁渚涜蒋浠跺強鏈嶅姟浠ュ崗鍔╀笉鍚屽洟闃熴?绉戞妧涓庢祦绋嬩簰鐩搁厤鍚堬紝鎶婅蒋浠剁殑涓氬姟浠峰?鍏呭垎鍙戞帢鍑烘潵銆傛湁鍏冲浣曞湪鎸囧畾鏃堕棿鍙婇绠楀唴鎺ㄥ嚭鏈?紭璐ㄨ蒋浠讹紝璇锋祻瑙?http://www.borland.com/銆?br />
銆??Borland銆丆aliberRM銆佽蒋浠朵氦浠樹紭鍖栥?StarTeam銆丣builder銆丏elphi銆丆ore SDP銆丼DO 鍜屾墍鏈夊叾瀹?Borland 鍝佺墝鍙婁骇鍝佸悕瀛楀潎涓?Borland Software Corporation 鍦ㄧ編鍥藉強鍏跺畠鍥藉涔嬫湇鍔℃爣蹇椼?鍟嗘爣鎴栨敞鍐屽晢鏍囥?Microsoft銆乂isual Studio 鍜?Windows 鏈嶅姟鍣ㄤ负 Microsoft 鍏徃鍦ㄧ編鍥藉強鍏跺畠鍥藉涔嬫湇鍔℃爣蹇椼?鍟嗘爣鎴栨敞鍐屽晢鏍囥?Mercury 璐ㄩ噺涓績鍜?estDirector 涓?Mercury Interactive Corporation 鍦ㄧ編鍥藉強鍏跺畠鍥藉涔嬫湇鍔℃爣蹇椼?鍟嗘爣鎴栨敞鍐屽晢鏍囥?鎵?湁鍏跺畠鏍囧織鍧囧睘鍏舵墍鏈夎?鎸佹湁銆?br />


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog you need to fundamentalism

Only when the majority (with certain conditions) of the roots to become blog of the user after the grass-roots blog really has meaning. And this is precisely the "blog fundamentalist" can not do.

Acosta blog "must click" attracted critics questioned. Major forum rumor, Acosta Sina blog channel organization is actually a lot of resources packaged up "grassroots blog idol," there are many sticklers who looks on the network the end, tried to solve the mystery of identity Acosta. At the same time, an on "grass-roots blog" discussion begins. Some critics said Sina blog of capital involved in the activities, thus "undermining the blog of the multi-functional."

One criticism of the footing is becoming celebrity blog news source, but also actively use their own web information resources, flow of resources "over-intervention (operation) news events," departed from the news of the "neutral value." However, the first question is, I understand that the so-called "news of the neutral value", only the American view on the current news news requirements, not all the news of the operation scale. In fact, entertainment, and cultural content of the news itself is more or less built on the basis of a certain tendency, not to mention the "gossip" was. To see if we can cite the celebrity blog news, whether it is "Korean white struggle" or "Guo refused to apologize for" not out of cultural and entertainment areas, where the talk about "value neutrality" is not appropriate.

Moreover, by Sina does have its advantages though, create blog topic of the move, but we can not observe from the behavior of clear violation of journalistic ethics. In fact, their work is diametrically opposed to the remarks just rake out through news page, to expand its influence, and then further encouraged both sides to respond to each other, serve to stir up topics, organized to discuss results. This operation means that in the current domestic level media critics have been widely used. Why was loaded onto a network, you have the "excessive intervention" the sins of it?


"Grassroots" is often used to modify the expression of such a blog. But the "grassroots" and what is it? Does it mean that using such a speech channel of people, only with the "grassroots" status, or those who speak through the blog, in his blog on the automatic "grassroots" certification, and the need for strict observance of the grassroots consciously regulate?

Clearly not the case. In fact, the blog of the so-called "grassroots" means that the lowest threshold of speech channel: no one, as long as the material conditions of his access to the Internet, you can speak through their own blog --- not type it anyway. However, the "low threshold" does not mean the "high status" who were blocked. Celebrities and capital access, without prejudice to the grass-roots blog, but rather a blog "multiple functions" of the expression. Meanwhile, the general rules for information dissemination, celebrities and capital in the blog world, occupies a very important seat is taken for granted.

Therefore, we need not on the celebrity, the capital's achievements in the blog world, heart guard, if they can not get a definite advantage here, the status of Fandao strange. We even should the "capital interest blog," this phenomenon is pleased because, as you know, has a strong pursuit of profit of capital, it is always in the most profitable parts of the release. So this blog is just that a vibrant, flourishing things.

Nor do we have issued a "grass-roots capital destruction," this panic.

Since we believe that the blog is a vibrant, full of grass-roots expression of channels, that it changed how it will be capital --- to do this is just the power of administrative and legal.

Prior to this, also because of the relationship between Sina, the rise of the network has been a while blog is a "elite property" or "grass-roots property" argument. In this discussion, some of the earliest in China to promote the concept of the technical staff blog made a lot of unique perspectives, one for the "super link" is the most important feature of the blog, and even cited the example of U.S. blog, as evidence. Obviously, this is only "blog fundamentalist" wishful only. Now, another romantic out of the network, the blog should be "self-conscious of the imperative of equality, free from external forces about the 'electronic writing' behavior." The problem is, if not for page views, blog what they want to use this speech channel? Who could not with any power to require the blog "just to click on the writing" mean?

鍏跺疄锛岄棬鎴风綉绔欓?杩囧崥瀹㈣繘琛岀殑绉嶇鎿嶄綔鏄帹骞垮崥瀹㈢殑鏈?湁鏁堟墜娈点? Only when the majority (with certain conditions) of the roots to become blog of the user after the grass-roots blog really has meaning.鑰岃繖涓?偣锛屾伆鎭版槸鈥滃崥瀹㈠師鏁欐棬涓讳箟鈥濇棤娉曞仛鍒扮殑銆?br />


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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Full clean up of floating

Clear float a page all to do one thing people will encounter, but if we can clearly know that a full range of understanding? Was a retired and sit on the soon to write such an article, can not say every aspect, but the basic can I know the purse imparted.

We take a look rough way to clear the floating of a total number (IE inside with zoom: 1 will not write, and write the next topic). Corresponding DEMO

Pseudo class: after a follow-up air system, high-bit pseudo-class level of zero clear

Use CSS overflow: auto to hold back high

Use CSS overflow: hidden weird way how to adapt

Using display: table of the object into a table form

Using div tags and css of clear property

With br tag, and the css of clear property

With br tag, and the clear attributes of its own HTML

Roughly speaking, they could have solved the problem; but their other hand they have their own advantages and disadvantages. (Correspond)

Advantage of semantic structure entirely correct, does not produce the rest of the weird problems.

Disadvantages of improper reuse code easily lead to a sharp increase.

Proposed use of the outermost light floating, or clear modular way people use reuse.

Advantage of the semantic structure of completely correct, the code was minimal.

Multiple nested shortcomings, click on the outermost layer of the light thrown into the outermost layer of the floating box to the contents of the innermost layer of the election (FF); or mouseover changes caused by the width of the outermost layer of the module will appear when there is scroll bar (IE ).

Modules within the proposed use, do not nested.

Advantage of the semantic structure of completely correct, the code was minimal.

Content more easily when the defects do not automatically wrap the content is hidden away.

Recommends the use of fixed width, do not nested.

Advantage of the semantic structure of completely correct, the code was minimal.

Box Model Properties shortcomings have changed the natural events can be imagined more singular count the number and you have not.

If you do not want to change the proposed change death Bug you, best not to use; but which can be used as a temporary 蹇芥偁 alpha version to test.

Advantage of the code is extremely rare and high reusability.

Shortcomings can not meet the semantics of the perfect, is not conducive to revision and needs to change.

Recommended to beginners, allows you to quickly solve the floating problem.

Advantage of the semantic level than the first five kinds of situations to better; code is extremely rare and high reusability.

Semantic shortcomings still not perfect, is not conducive to revision and needs to change.

Recommended to beginners, allows you to quickly solve the floating problem.

Semantic level than the first advantage of a situation to be better 5,6; code was the smallest, high reusability.

Semantic shortcomings still not perfect, is not conducive to revision and needs to change.

Proposed upgrade of thinking to guide for beginners to use, allowed to understand its control with the classname to a manifestation of better times to return to WEB1.0 html pages directly attribute to control the performance of the latter, after all, less the amount of code.

Finally, the list is completed. But I think it is necessary and we apologize, reproduced on the ghost before the article; very sorry that it had changed the title of a ghost of "simple" with "optimal", so that the back of misleading a lot of students. So re-write an article to share.



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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Using WinRAR merge MP3 music

As more and more friends on the PS and web production concerns, combined with a photo editor has been not very surprising, but to talk about on a song to edit and merge, they are still a lot of friends in a blind spot, the level of high point may choose as GoldWave, CoolEdit and other professional audio editing software, and a friend do a lower level of the estimated most of the time had to "Song of Despair hope" instead. In fact, we usually use a lot of software, and all the functions contain some small enough to satisfy our need for simple audio editing, such as this give you about this MP3 songs merge trick is the most commonly used by our compression software WinRAR to achieve.

Step 1. To the MP3 songs to be merged into the same folder, and press the play order of row needed good, because ultimately the merger will be completed in accordance with the sequence of songs to play.

Step 2. Select the songs of all pre-merger documents, right-click and select "WinRAR 鈫?add to the compressed file" command.

Step 3. This is also the focus of the entire set! In the pop-up window compression set to "store" one (that is, the meaning is not compressed, because the songs once they are compressed, its internal structure will be chaos, this time even if tune the merger, and player can not play it properly), and "compressed file name" section of the extension to MP3, finally click the OK button.

Buzhou 4. At this point, the songs in the original folder will then rise by a file called "songs. Mp3" file, double-click Bofangyixia Try it, see if we are going to exactly the same as Ne own needs?


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Monday, August 2, 2010

Photoshop top aides - EXTENSIS Photo Graphics (1)

Friends, often when using Photoshop to want to draw some geometry, arranged according to the word curve and so on. But this often makes a big headache, because Photoshop, simply do not have this feature. Q online prawns, often tell you to use Coreldraw or Illustrator to create. So you have to spend hundreds of megabytes of space for these big guys Illustrator installed, and then draw a good future in which the export graphics files and, finally, to deal with in Photoshop. Consider just to draw away some simple graphics to use these big guys are not too wasteful and not very convenient to use. How do? ! Is very simple, fitted EXTENSIS Photo Graphics filter company produced all solved.

First, download the software in design.cnroot.com download the filter, the size of about 3M. And then install Photoshop's plug-ins directory (with and most of the same way as the installation of filters). Then we start the Photoshop Filter menu found on more than a EXTENSIS submenu, in the sub-menu there is only one command - Photo Graphics .... Select this command we will find a pop-up filter interface. Looks almost like Photoshop, there is a toolbox on the left, the right to have a floating panel, the interface is very refreshing.

First of all, let's take a look give us toolbox tools. Although this filter provides the tools in Photoshop's tool less than more, but also a full of enough. In this toolbox contains a mobile tool, text tool, line tool, Pen tool, rectangle tool, circle tool, polygon tool, zoom tool, smoke color tools, rotary tool, hand tool, zoom tool. And the border color and fill color settings. These tools and Illustrator's tools are very similar, if you are a master of Illustrator will use it immediately.

First mobile tools can be used to move the graphics rendering, and graphics on the node. Use and all the graphics software to use the mobile tools, like here do not waste any more words of the.

The second tool is the text tool. When used in a general state of the text we will find the text area around the restrictions, limitations by using the mouse to drag the text box we can change the size of the region. We can also make the text by the path emissions. First draw a geometric shape or curve, and then use the Text tool to click on the edge or curve geometry, which is the input edge of the text is arranged according to geometry, very convenient.

Double-click the tool text tools we have found pop up a dialog box in this dialog, we can create or edit text styles. Press the New ... (New) or Edit ... (Editor), and Duplicate ... (copy) we can set the dialog box that pops up the text styles, such as text size, fonts, character spacing, font scaling, bold, italic and so on.

The third tool is a straight line tool. Using it we can draw a straight line. Methods and other software, like not to speak more.

The fourth tool is the pen tool. Using this tool we can easily draw the curve. And Illustrator as each node has two control points, using these two control points, we can control the shape of curve bending.

The fourth tool is the rectangle tool. This tool is used to draw rectangles of course. Double-click the tool icon here will pop up a dialog box. When we Enable Round Corners (rounded corners allowed) option is selected, then draw the rectangle is rounded rectangle. Below the Horiznal Radius (horizontal radius) and Vertical Radius (vertical radius) the parameters used to adjust the radius.

The fifth is to draw a circle round tool. The same methods and other software.

The sixth tool is the Polygon tool. Double-click the icon in the pop-up dialog box Sides (side) is used to adjust the number of edges. Star Shape (star) option allows the polygon into star. Radius (radius) is used to adjust the star's radius.

The next tool is the zoom tool. Through which we can be so graphic scaling. Using the methods and devices, like its graphics processing software.

The seventh tool is in color tool. We can use it as easy as Photoshop drawing screen color.

Eighth tool is rotating tool. We use it to facilitate rotation of graphics. And Illustrator, as we in the rotation when there is a focal point for graphics, we can use the mouse to move the focal point the way to change rotation.

Ninth and tenth tools are the hand tool and zoom tool. These two tools and Photoshop's tools, through which we can change the preview of the map as to make our operations more convenient graphics.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2010 Breakthrough into a 2D game or turning point

By the end of 2009, several game companies have introduced products 2D games. And the 2009 flooding into 3D online games online game company will fall into the situation of the market compared to more rational in 2010 each company. There are indications that 2010 will come to an end 3D games, 2D games will lead to open boutique in the market.

In 2009, missed the 2D market

"2D online games become less and less." From playing online games in 2000 started the Wang Bo (a pseudonym) is a pity. Wang Bo told reporters that he came into contact with figures from the text graphical MUD game, then "Legend" series, "journey" of these very famous game he played, but not less input energy. But that is one thing - can not play full view 3D online games.

"Used simple 2D graphics and gaming style, 3D people dizzy." Wang Bo said. He told reporters, in fact, the domestic players, or even made a 2D game. "Look at Tencent's DNF (underground city with the Warriors) to know why the fire was." Wangpo analysis, DNF is in the "Legend" and "journey" began to decline when the player receives a great number of 2D. However, he stressed that he is more looking forward to a 2DARPG types of games there, he was playing "Legend" and "journey" Many friends in the "idle" state, they have yet to find a suitable for your 2DARPG game.

At present, the online operations of NetEase, "Journey to the West" series, and famous for decades, the grand "Legend", giants "journey" in the online game segments, the former for the turn-based games, the latter two are ARPG. One Netease's "Fantasy Westward Journey" has a record total of 238 million online domestic record. 2D game market is quite substantial.

Wang Bo told reporters that the company is now online games in general to "the same old stuff" in the form of 2D game development, light "Legend" series of games is not under paragraph 45, "the journey" is a simple renovation to recall the old players In fact, the game content is the same. Market, lack of innovative 2D online games.

Who is the next "journey"?

Who is the next "journey"? Similar problem has been mentioned many times.

2006 "journey" beta, the influx of millions of players to the game which, Shi Yuzhu and his giant company with 2DARPG game "journey" for the benefit of writing a myth, a year after the successful landing giant NYSE, a Online Games achievements of the Shi Yuzhu the third successful venture, and the giant company's rapid rise. More importantly, 2D 3D gaming market will be replaced by the negative tone was gone.

The industry believes that "journey" is the marketing success of the game, breaking free of conventional patterns and precise positioning for the main 23 cities this product a lot of extra points. At the same time, 2D product type is considered the most suitable type of local players of the game.

"Domestic online game starts," Legend, "" Legend "mode a great impact on domestic players, especially the 23 city players, they are more willing to accept the inherent game mode, which is why many foreign large 3D products visit China died soon after the cause. "channel of a director of Road Games. He also said that Chinese players in the distribution of the traditional "countryside surrounding cities", the figures show that Internet cafe users in rural areas the proportion of use of online games 43.5%, 41.8% higher than in urban areas. Even so, more and more domestic online game developer has not been able to bring the country 2D gamers a satisfactory report. According to statistics, in 2009 than in previous years has been to market products decreased slightly, but mostly to 3D and 2.5D. 2D market is seriously neglected.

The source said: "In recent years, major online game companies are actively layout 3D and 2.5D products, upcoming 3D ready to seize the market share of products that follow the trend of the phenomenon do not give them the expected success . "

According to sources, several well-known 3D products this year, in addition to NetEase, "World II," melted down a success, "Aion", "Jian Wang triplet" and other gaming products failed to meet its objectives.

2D brand new opportunity to intervene

With 200 new games each year the introduction of speed, online games market segments to enter the competition.

"10 years ago only 10 games on the market compared to the situation, more and more players, the choices available, with the group of domestic players mature, the game used to have stabilized." Industry in their analysis.

Blue Hong Kong online game producer Zhang Yuyu CTO and said: "The" Legend "," journey ", the domestic market there exists 2D blank, no new brand to fill, which allows players to a small range of options, the trade company 2D paid insufficient attention to the players. "for the industry in recent years, serious" partial subjects "of the situation, Zhang Yuyu said:" We see dimly in the 2D market two years ago, the opportunity to grasp this opportunity now find very accurate, several domestic big game development companies are actively deploying 2D products, intended to seize the air for a long time schedule. "

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Monday, May 31, 2010

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Audio Notes Recorder

This easy to use voice notes program records from microphone and all other sound sources you have with your sound card. There are three microphone modes to choose from: normal, spy and voice operated recording. The program also has two working modes, digital and analog. In digital mode a cassette file consists of several recorded messages and each click on Record button creates a new message, while in analog mode a cassette file represents one continual rewritable message. Other key features include transcription playback mode, support for unattended scheduled recordings, export to WAV, MP3, OGG Vorbis or EXE, sound effects (echo, equalizer, flanger, pitch), message editor for making cut-outs and splitting, sending as email attachment, pre-amplifier, changeable skin, Exact Time Positioner (ETP) bar for quick and precise positioning within a message, endless loop playback, mouse wheel support and a selection of keyboard shortcuts with the most important controls available in off-focus mode and accessible while working in other programs.

Monday, March 1, 2010

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Saturday, February 27, 2010

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Swift PS2 PS3 xBox 360 Converter is a professional video converter to convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Xbox MP4 format. The output Xbox MP4 video files can be played on your Apple Xbox. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output Xbox MP4 videos fit your Apple Xbox.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hotkey Sound Recorder

Hotkey Sound Recorder is a powerful sound recording software. Besides normal recording functions, it allows you to record sound by pressing hotkey or by clicking the system tray icon. It also allows you to use hotkey to turn sound up/down or turn sound on/off. With Hotkey Sound Recorder, what you hear is what you get! You can record streaming audio, line-in input, microphone input, sound of games or music played by Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quick Time, Real Player, etc. It is able to save recorded sound as MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV or VOX file. It supports MP3 ID3-tag and VBR. Hotkey Sound Recorder also provides built-in file manager to help you play, rename, delete recorded sound files and allows you to edit MP3 ID3 tag. It is also able to convert audio file between MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV and VOX formats.

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